Friday, March 12, 2010

"Almost" Homemade Pizza

We learned this from some friends of thing about it is you put toppings that you like! The pizza dough is delicious!

- Ready-made pizza dough from Costco (the not-homemade part!) - you buy it in a plastic bag, near the deli meat
- Fresh tomatoes
- Fresh basil
- Parmesan cheese
- Olive oil
- Flour
- Fresh mozzarella
- Garlic Powder or fresh garlic minced
- Salt & Pepper
- Other toppings optional - we like potatoes!

Tomato & Mozzarella Pizza Directions:
- Keep the dough out for at least a couple of hours (keeps in the freezer) until room temperature (makes the rolling easier)
- Preheat oven to 550 degrees (oven needs to be very hot for the pizza!)
- Dust the counter top with flour and roll out part of the dough until you get it as thin as you like it
- Oil and drizzle your pizza pan (or cookie sheet) with flour
- Thinly slice tomatoes and put on pizza
- Drizzle olive oil and garlic powder or minced garlic on top
- Slice mozzarella into slices and place on top
- Add salt and pepper
- Drizzle parmesan cheese on top
- Put in oven for about 10-15 minutes, but watch it! Take out of the oven when bottom of crust is golden brown
- When you take it out, immediately add chopped basil on top and enjoy!

Potato Pizza Directions
- Follow first 4 steps above
- Slice potatoes as thin as you can...the thinner the better
- Place potato slices on pizza
- Drizzle olive oil, parmesan cheese and salt/pepper on pizza
- Add bacon bits if you like
- Put in oven for about 10-15 minutes, but still watch it! Take out when bottom of crust is golden brown
- If you'd like, you can immediately add small pieces of goat cheese on the pizza


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